Author: Lidija / Labels: ,

OVER THE BROKEN ROOFS - Daniela Vasiljevic
Short stories

I met Danijela 15 minutes before the book promotion’s beginning. And we easily understood each other. But perhaps the understanding was there before we even met.
Everyday’s life gets a whole new dimension when it’s literally embodied. Gaps, random events, rainy days, unspoken words - it all gets a chance for reaching a deeper meaning if enters the story. The power of literature is revealed in a story "The Meeting" - a neither day is missed if it was the basis for developing story.
Author's sentences are short and effective, and everything superfluous has been removed from the stories. There is a visible effort to reach the final content’s and form’s perfection. In a novel some week paragraph would have passed unnoticed, but that would’t be the case in a short story. The author is aware of that, and so she hones stories till the moment when she can say - this is it.
Chapter titles are intriguing as the unfinished thoughts which will be completed by the stories that follow. The form of storytelling is interesting - adverbs give the neutrality, so the events are described less personal and more general.
The stories are rich - each of them requires effort of understanding before you get the pleasure of reading.
Frequent motifs: the boundaries that characters set for themselves - they stay in their own little closed circle of life, without change; oldness and death – presented in unsentimental way; mystery of human relationships; the serenity of nature ... There isn't any predominant motif, the collection is marked by the width in motifs and themes. Some stories that I would like to emphasize:
"The Metamorphosis" - natural and naturalistic image of falling in love, the transformation is in a stomach: worm-caterpillar-butterfly.
"The Wedding" - a romantic and a little bit grotesque wedding picture.
"Matches" - a story filled with an old-fashion village atmosphere, as well as the other stories from the cycle "Tales of the Green Cabinet."
"The Overseas Ship" - the story about a dream that is dearer than reality.
"The Knife" - a great story about violence and murder.
"Last Story" - witty and true.
Stories from the same thematic circle "Showcase", "Dump", "Freedom" are excellent  real short stories, compelling and profound. Especially the story "Showcase". These stories are elusive, difficult to describe, to define or classify. The only good option is – to read and experience them.
Most of the stories from the collection belong to realism, and some have elements of fantasy. The lady author should allow herself more entrance into the fantastic area.
For me, the best stories in „Over the Broken Roofs“ are those that flirt with fantastic and mysticism, as well as those in which is given a bright picture of nature. If I would have to single out something that I do not like it, it would be – an afterword of the critique.
I look forward to the future Danijela’s book and can’t wait to see the direction of her literary travel.

Kratke priče

Danijelu sam upoznala 15 minuta pre početka književne večeri. I odmah smo se skontale. Ali verovatno smo se skontale još i pre nego što smo se poznavale. Evo nekih razmišljanja o njenoj prvoj knjizi.
Svakodnevica dobija sasvim novu dimenziju kad je literarno uobličena. Praznina, slučajni događaji, kišni dani, neizgovorene reči – sve to dobija šansu za smisao ukoliko uđe u priču. Moć književnosti otkriva se u priči „Sastanak“ – nijedan dan nije promašen ako je bio osnova za nastanak priče.
Autorkine rečenice su kratke i efektne, a iz priča je odstranjeno sve što je suvišno. Vidljiv je trud da se dođe do konačnog sadržaja i oblika. U nekom romanu slab pasus bi prošao neprimećeno, ali u kratkoj priči bi štrčao i upadao u oči. Autorka je toga svesna i zato brusi svoje priče do trenutka kada može da kaže – to je to.
Zanimljivi su naslovi poglavlja, kao neodvršene misli koje će dovršiti priče koje slede. Zanimljiv je  i oblik pripovedanja – prilozi dodaju neutralnost i čine opisano zbivanje manje ličnim, a više opštim.
Priče su bogate – svaka zahteva trud čitanja pre nego što se dođe do uživanja u pročitanom.
Česti motivi: granice koje likovi sebi postavljaju – oni ostaju u svom malom zatvorenom krugu i životu bez promene; starost i smrt – nesentimentalno prikazane; zagonetnost ljudskih relacija; vedrina prirode... Nema preovlađujućeg motiva, zbirka se odlikuje motivskom širinom. Izdvojićemo neke od priča:
„Preobražaj“ – prirodna i naturalistička slika zaljubljivanja, pri kom se dešava preobražaj u stomaku: crv-gusenica-leptir.
„Svadba“ – romantična i pomalo groteskna slika venčanja.
„Palidrvce“ – priča ispunjena atmosferom sela i starih vremena, kao i ostale priče iz ciklusa „Priče zelenog kredendca“.
„Prekookeanski brod“ – priča o snu koji je draži od stvarnosti.
„Nož“ – odlična priča o nasilju i ubistvu.  
„Poslednja priča“ – duhovita i tačna.
Priče iz istog tematskog kruga „Izlog“, „Smetlište“, „Sloboda“ – odlične, prave kratke priče, efektne i duboke. Naročito priča „Izlog“. Neuhvatljive su, teško ih je opisati, definisati i svrstati. Jedino je moguće – pročitati ih i doživeti.
Većina priča pripada realizmu, a u nekima ima elemenata fantastike. Autorka bi sebi više trebalo da dozvoli ulazak u fantastiku.
Meni se najviše sviđaju priče koje koketiraju sa fantastikom i mističnošću, kao i priče u kojima ima vedrih slika prirode. Ako bi trebalo da izdvojim nešto što mi se ne sviđa, to bi bio – pogovor.
Radujem se Danijelinoj budućoj knjizi i zanima me pravac u kom će u njoj otputovati. 


књижевни клуб said...

Наша Данијела, све јој од руке, расте...

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