Author: Lidija / Labels: , ,


Short stories by young author Djordje Petrovic are surprisingly fresh, sharp and precise.  
With every story author gives us a link for a song which goes well with it.
In first story ‘Allegro’ we are confronting minimalism and perfectionism in literary expression. The theme is phantasmagoric contemporary paranoia. The story looks alike a scenario for short movie. Sentences are short and picturesque, fulfilled with content. Author says a lot with little words. Reader has to stop and to rethink. The story offers us mystique and mysteries. Solving them is interesting and gives us a pleasure of reading.
By literary style, Petrovic has the most in common with early Vladimir Pistalo, and minimalism fulfilled with content reminds us to the great Momcilo Nastasijevic.
In a story ‘The Machine’ the storyteller and the style are completely different. This storyteller speaks unfinished sentences in a hurry to fulfill his intention. The style is persuasive, after phantasmagoric ‘Allegro’ we are easily transported into the world of science laboratory.
In a story ‘The Fairy-tale'  there is a ring composition and multiply storytellers – the fairy, the drunkard…  
‘Never again’ is mix of pseudo-phantasm and modern motif – living in a world of computer games. Modern motif is also dominant in a story ‘The Trains’ – while the character is occupied with work, life is running by.
The only story with love motif is ‘In the Park’. Adequately, this one is tenderer and more lyrical than the others.
If author doesn't stop on this small number of stories and if he continues with writing, in a future we could have something different, delicious and fresh to read.    

Kratke priče mladog autora Đorđa Petrovića – putnika nemarnika – su iznenađujuće sveže, oštre i precizne.
Uz svaku priču, autor preporučuje muzičku numeru uz koju se priča čita, uz link.
U priči ‘Allegro’ nailazimo na minimalizam i perfekcionizam u stilskom izrazu. Reč je o paranoičnoj savremenoj temi, a tekst ima i karakteristike scenarija za kratak film. Rečenice su kratke i slikovite, a sadržajno ispunjene. Sa malo reči saopšteno je puno, tako da čitalac mora da zastane i da se zamisli. Rešavanje misterija i mističnosti koje priča zadaje je zanimljivo i pruža uživanje u čitanju.
Po stilu, Petrović najviše zajedničkog ima sa ranim pričama Vladimira Pištala, a po sadržajnom minimalizmu – sa poetikom Momčila Nastasijevića.
U priči ‘Aparat’ i pripovedač i stil su sasvim drugačiji. Ovaj pripovedač izražava se nedovršenim rečenicama, u žurbi da ispuni svoj naum. Stil je ponovo uverljiv – posle fantazmagorične price ‘Allegro’ lako smo se prebacili u svet naučne laboratorije.
U priči ‘Bajka’ imamo prstenastu strukturu i više zanimljivih pripovedača – vilu, pijanca…
‘Nikada više’ je mešavina pseudofantastike i savremenog motiva – življenja u svetu kompjuterskih igrica. Savremeni motiv se javlja i u priči ‘Vozovi’ – dok je junak preokupiran poslom, život juri mimo njega.
Jedina priča sa ljubavnim motivom je priča ‘U parku’, a u skladu sa tim, ona je poetičnija i nežnija od ostalih.
Ako se autor ne zaustavi na ovom malom opusu, i ako se malo više pozabavi naslovima priča, onda bismo mogli imati nešto sasvim zanimljivo, ukusno i sveže za čitanje. 


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